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Radically reducing unnecessary food waste

The clever way to know it’s fresh!


Bump Cap

Bump, created by Mimica, is a temperature-sensitive cap providing an accurate, real-time indication of the freshness of your drink. By demonstrating the true longevity of your drink rather than relying on the worst-case scenario, as the printed expiry dates do, we help you make the most of your EXALT drink and reduce unnecessary waste!


Get the most out of your drink


You can count on Bump Cap to show you the true expiry.

Fight Waste

Drink to the last drop, leaving nothing to waste.

Peak Nutrition

Enjoy your drink when it’s at its best.


How to use the Bump Cap?

Bump is tactile - swipe it with a little pressure, in a circular motion or side to side.

If it feels firm and smooth, the drink is fresh and good to enjoy.


If you start to feel pointy bumps, the drink should no longer be consumed.

How does it work?

Bump Cap reacts to the temperature conditions you store your drink in. If it turns bumpy - whoops! - it’s not been stored well and is no longer good to enjoy. The better you take care of it, the longer it can go. For the best results, keep it chilled!


Fighting waste together!

Working together with EXALT we have been able to safely increase the use-by date on their protein drinks by four days while elevating your experience. We challenge you to store your drink like a pro, to make it last for longer, until the new extended expiry date!


A shot from above of multiple Bump Caps. The caps are white with green circles on the top graphics and label phrases that read: “check for freshness” and “fresh until bumpy”.


  • Our spoilage indicator relies on a unique temperature-sensitive plant-based gel that is completely food-safe.

  • Yes! We certainly don't want to solve one problem by creating another. The Bump Cap has been checked by recycling companies and has been approved. Just keep it on the bottle and recycle it as usual.

  • Bump Cap is available to EXALT’s subscription customers and we are also selling packs of Bump Caps compatible to juices and smoothies here!

  • Food waste generates 248x more carbon emissions than plastic waste (Zero Waste Scotland), so using the Bump Cap to help you fight food waste will offset the small impact of the added plastic material.

  • No, the use-by date is there for your safety and you shouldn’t use the product after the expiry date. Working together with EXALT, we’ve extended the use-by date by 4 days. This extension is reflected in the new printed date.

  • Bump Cap is temperature-sensitive and responds to the conditions you store your drink in. The gel inside the cap degrades at the same rate as the drink spoils. In this process the gel liquifies revealing the bumps underneath. The gel is matched to the specific drink, and we’ve worked with EXALT on this. The better you store your drink, keeping it chilled whenever possible, longer it will last.

  • No, the gel inside the cap is matched to specific food groups. Therefore, it wouldn’t be accurate when used on other products. Also, each Bump Cap can only be used once - it was activated when it went onto that bottle at EXALT and has already followed that specific bottle’s temperature journey, so don’t put a Bump Cap from a bottle you’ve finished onto another one. However, we will be selling packs of Bump caps matched to be compatible with most juices and smoothies - sign up to the waiting list to buy them here!